The purpose of the With Her in Mind campaign is to raise public awareness of the challenges women and girls face regarding their mental health. It’s no secret that public attention is needed to mobilize action – we need your voice to uplift this issue to mobilize philanthropic dollars for a brighter future for women and girls. Let’s get loud #WithHerinMind!

The Moment of Opportunity is Now

Mental health is the leading cause of disability for women globally. One in five women in the U.S. report having a mental health related challenge, and are twice as likely to suffer from depression compared to men. In 2021, more than 1 in 4 girls reported they considered attempting suicide and more than 1 in 10 girls reported they attempted suicide.

So why aren’t we talking about it? And more importantly, why aren’t we doing something about it?

Our Challenge to You

We need your voice to start the conversation. We’re challenging you to act with “her” in mind. Maybe the “her” in your life is your mother, your sister, your cousin. Maybe it’s a friend, teacher, or neighbor. Maybe it’s you.

How will you take action With Her in Mind? Tell us what action you’ll take to support women and girls’ mental health and keep yourself updated on other opportunities to get involved.

Know the Facts

In 2021, more than 1 in 4 girls reported that they seriously considered attempting suicide.

Women are 2x as likely to suffer from depression compared to men, and 2x as likely to report challenges in accessing quality health services.